All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract DMX Modulator specifying a universe, channel, and number of bytes.
An accelerator is a free-running modulator that changes its value based on velocity and acceleration, measured in units/second and units/second^2, respectively.
An accumulator oscillates between increasing and decreasing value by some velocity such that it never overflows or stops moving outside of the floating point range.
Implementation of Audio Definition Model data.
An aggregate parameter is a parameter that may be directly monitored for changes, but whose value is constructed from a number of underlying parameters.
A frequency gate monitors a Graphic Meter for a particular frequency range and triggers when that range passes a certain threshold.
A simple parameter that has a binary value of off or on
A FunctionalParameter that is bounded by a range.
Simple parameter class with a double value.
A click is a simple modulator that fires a value of 1 every time its period has passed.
A modulator that tracks the value of a parameter but damps motion over time according to rules.
Modulator that provides randomization within normalized value range.
Distributed Display Protocol is a simple protocol developed by 3waylabs.
DDPOutput is a helper class that constructs and sends a set of DDPDatagram packets based upon a specified chunk size, which will typically be a function of either the LED layout or UDP network settings.
A DecibelMeter is a modulator that returns the level of an audio signal.
Utility class with a discrete selection of colors that are shown by a UI picker device.
Parameter type with a discrete set of possible integer values.
The dissolve blend is a special blend used in the crossfader.
DJM-A9 INSTRUCTIONS On the mixer, under My Settings > MIDI: -Button Type MUST be set to "Toggle".
Extracts a color from three DMX channels starting at a given address.
A modulator converting DMX input to normalized output, with three modes: 8-bit: single DMX channel scaled to normalized output 16-bit: two DMX channels for high resolution, scaled to normalized output Range: A range from [min] to [max] within a DMX channel.
A bgfx index buffer with contents that can be updated dynamically between frames.
EnumParameter<T extends Enum<?>>
A FixedParameter is an immutable parameter.
Utility class for a control surface to subscribe to notifications about which device is focused in the UI.
An extendable modulator class that lets a custom normalized function be supplied by simply extending this class and supplying a compute() and invert() method.
An LXParameter that has a value computed by a function, which may combine the values of other parameters, or call some function, etc.
A blend function interpolates between two colors
Hue interpolation modes.
A graphic meter splits the signal into frequency bands and computes envelopes for each of the bands independently.
Model of points in a simple grid.
An IndexBuffer is a representation of all the pixels that an output packet will send.
A Segment is a continous portion of an index buffer which specifies the indices into the final color buffer which are to be sent, along with the byte ordering.
Modulator that provides randomized triggering on an interval
A datagram implementing the Kinet protocol, used by Color Kinetics devices.
This modulator is a simple linear ramp from one value to another over a specified number of milliseconds.
Core controller for a LX instance.
Specifies how the state of live output is restored when a project is loaded.
Listener for top-level events
Abstract subclass for both groups and channels
Class that represents a basic fixture with a fixed number of points, no hierarchy, and that is addressed with a single output definition
An LXBlend is a loop-based implementation of a compositing algorithm.
Functional interface for a static blending function
Most common static orderings for RGB buffer data
Abstract representation of a channel, which could be a normal channel with patterns or the master channel.
Listener interface for objects which want to be notified when the internal channel state is modified.
An annotation to be applied to LXPattern or LXEffect classes describing what category the component belongs to.
A channel is a single component of the engine that has a set of patterns from which it plays and rotates.
Listener interface for objects which want to be notified when the internal channel state is modified.
The LX class loader parses JAR files in the LX content directory.
Various utilities that operate on color values
Color blending modes
An LXCommand is an operation that may be performed by the engine, potentially in two directions, supporting and Undo operation.
This reference class is used because the LXCommand engine might have actions in it that refer to components which have been deleted by subsequent operations.
Name space for parameter commands
The LX command engine keeps track of high-level UI commands that have been performed.
Core base class for any component in the LX tree.
A market interface for a Placeholder component that is used when an LXComponent class implementation is missing at runtime.
Marker interface for components which can have their label changed.
An annotation to be applied to LXPattern or LXEffect classes giving them a name in the UI different from their classname
Listener that is fired when there is a change to the list of modulations being applied to a target parameter.
A parameter type that can receive compound modulation.
A component which may have its own scoped user-level modulators.
Marker interface that indicates this device implements MIDI functionality
A dynamic color is a color that has a few different settings that allows it to either be fixed or to change its value over time.
Class to represent an effect that may be applied to the color array.
Placeholder pattern for when a class is missing
The engine is the core class that runs the internal animations.
An LXFixture is a rich LXComponent representing a physical lighting fixture which may be addressed by output packets.
Class which defines a LXFixture output.
Output protocols
Interface for classes which may contain LXFixtures.
A snapshot holds a memory of the state of the program at a point in time.
A layer is a components that has a run method and operates on some other buffer component.
Base class for system components that run in the engine, which have common attributes, such as parameters, modulators, and layers.
A market annotation which enables a component to require licensing for instantiation
A parameter that can be listened to and has normalized values.
This is a parameter instance that can be listened to, meaning we are able to deterministically know when the value has changed.
Represents the master channel.
A 4x4 matrix for 3-D transformations
Marker interface for Midi Surface implementations which require an output to be functional.
Encapsulation of all the LX channel blending and mixer
An LXModel is a representation of a set of points in 3D space.
An enumeration of common geometry helper types.
Defines a function that computes geometric data for a point
Listener interface for changes to the location of points in a model
A collection of helpful pre-defined constants for the most common model tag types.
A component that keeps a reference to a particular model, which may potentially be different than the global model.
No longer recommended, does not play nicely with dynamic models and view selection
No longer recommended, does not play nicely with dynamic models and view selection
No longer recommended, does not play nicely with dynamic models and view selection
A Modulator is an abstraction for a variable with a value that varies over time, such as an envelope or a low frequency oscillator.
A market annotation which enables a registered modulator to appear in the device section
A market annotation which enables a registered modulator to appear in the global section
Placeholder pattern for when a class is missing
Defines a normalization space
A parameter that supports values in a normalized form, from 0 to 1.
This class represents the output stage from the LX engine to real devices.
Simple concrete output class which does nothing but group its children.
A palette is an object that is used to keep track of top-level color values and set modes of color computation.
This class provides a common interface for system components to have parameters that can modify their operation.
A listener interface to be notified of changes to the parameter value.
Interface for any object in the LX system that can be represented by an abstract path.
A pattern is the core object that the animation engine uses to generate colors for all the points.
Listener interface for objects which want to be notified when the pattern's set of effects are modified
Placeholder pattern for when a class is missing
An LXPeriodicModulator is a modulator that moves through a cycle in a given amount of time.
Generic interface for an object that contains callback methods for the LX engine.
An annotation to be applied to an LXPlugin class giving it a user-facing name
A point is a node with a position in space.
Class to compute projections of an entire model.
Utility base class that adds a bunch of parameters to a fixture object for selection of the most common protocols.
Utility subclass for modulators which oscillate in a range of values between a minimum and a maximum.
Registry container for content classes used by the LX implementation
Interface for any object that may be stored and loaded from a serialized file using Json.
Static container for utility methods
A snapshot holds a memory of the state of the program at a point in time.
Type of snapshot view
The snapshot engine stores snapshots in time of the state of project settings.
Listener interface for the top-level structure
Implementation-only interface to relay model changes back to the core LX instance.
An LXStudio plugin has a couple extra methods that go beyond the basic LXPlugin interface, which allow the plugin to bootstrap additional extensions at appropriate times in the LX initialization process.
Registry class for the LXStudio application contains extensions to the default LX registry for custom UI components
A swatch is a set of up to 5 dynamic colors that can be referenced by patterns and effects.
Utilities for working with time
A transform is a matrix stack, quite similar to the OpenGL implementation.
Helper class of useful utilities, many just mirror Processing built-ins but reduce the awkwardness of calling through applet in the library code.
A mutable version of an LXPoint, which has had a transformation applied to it, and may have other transformations applied to it.
A virtual parameter is one that wraps or forwards to another real parameter.
Waveshapes compute a function in the range 0-1 over a basis 0-1.
A MutableParameter is a parameter that has a value which can be changed to anything.
Modulator that provides random noise output
Simple normalized parameter which is not listenable.
UDP implementation of
TCP/IP streaming socket implementation of
A quadratic envelope moves from one value to another along a quadratic curve.
Different modes of quadratic easing.
Modulator that provides randomization within normalized value range.
A sawtooth LFO oscillates from one extreme value to another.
A classic sinusoidal oscillator.
Simple square wave LFO.
Streaming ACN, also referred to as E1.31, is a standardized protocol for streaming DMX data over ACN protocol.
Parameter which contains a mutable String value.
Simple model of a strip of points in one axis.
Class to represent a musical tempo at which patterns are operating.
Braindead simple test pattern that iterates through all the nodes turning them on one by one in fixed order.
A time parameter is a utility for specifying a time of day in discrete hours, minutes, and seconds components.
A triangular LFO is a simple linear modulator that oscillates between a low and hi value over a specified time period.
A boolean parameter which is momentary and supports instantaneous toggling to true.
Top-level container for all overlay UI elements.
Marker interface for components whose drawing should be scissored
Marker interface for components which can be dragged to reorder them within their container.
A component in a UI3dContext.
This is a layer that contains a 3d scene with a camera.
Mode of mouse interaction
Section with a title which can collapse/expand
Direction that a context menu opens from a button
Interface for UI elements that may offer a direct control target
Marker interface for a UI element that supports copy commands
Marker interface for objects which can receive focus via tab or click
An ItemList is a scrollable list of elements with a focus state and action handling when the elements are focused or clicked on.
Interface to which items in the list must conform
A section is an item in the list that indents the items beneath it.
Marker interface for UI components that can be reached by using key navigation
A simple text label object.
Layer in the top-level UI.
Interface for UI elements that may offer a modulation target
Interface for UI elements that may offer a modulation target
Abstract base class for a modulator UI element with controls, which could be either in the global modulation scope or in the scope of a device
Marker interface for UI components that can be focused by using the mouse
Marker interface for a UI element that supports paste commands
Marker interface for UI components that can be reached by using the tab key
Interface for UI elements that may offer a modulation target
Interface for UI elements that may offer a trigger target
A global program used for rendering basic polygons with a uniform fill color
A sawtooth LFO oscillates from one extreme value to another.
A global program used for rendering basic polygons with fill color specified in vertex buffer attribute
Pretty much just a wrapper around the LWJGL NanoVGBGFX library, that makes it a bit more idiomatic java style and doesn't require the API client to keep track of the NanoVG context handle or prefix everything with nvg.