Class UIMeter

All Implemented Interfaces:
UIModulationSource, LXLoopTask

public class UIMeter extends UI2dComponent implements UIModulationSource
  • Field Details

    • drawPixels

      protected float drawPixels
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • newHorizontalMeter

      public static UIMeter newHorizontalMeter(UI ui, LXNormalizedParameter parameter, float w, float h)
    • newVerticalMeter

      public static UIMeter newVerticalMeter(UI ui, LXNormalizedParameter parameter, float w, float h)
    • setParameter

      public UIMeter setParameter(LXNormalizedParameter parameter)
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Description copied from class: UIObject
      Objects are encouraged to override this method providing a helpful String displayed to the user explaining the function of this UI component. If no help is available, return null rather than an empty String.
      getDescription in class UIObject
      Helpful contextual string explaining function of this element
    • onDraw

      public void onDraw(UI ui, VGraphics vg)
      Description copied from class: UI2dComponent
      Subclasses should override this method to perform their drawing functions.
      onDraw in class UI2dComponent
      ui - UI context
      vg - Graphics context
    • getModulationSource

      public LXNormalizedParameter getModulationSource()
      Specified by:
      getModulationSource in interface UIModulationSource