Interface LXStudio.Plugin

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public static interface LXStudio.Plugin extends LXPlugin
An LXStudio plugin has a couple extra methods that go beyond the basic LXPlugin interface, which allow the plugin to bootstrap additional extensions at appropriate times in the LX initialization process.
  • Method Details

    • initializeUI

      void initializeUI(LXStudio lx, LXStudio.UI ui)
      This method is invoked to initialize UI state. At this point, the UI object has been constructed, but it has not had any elements added to it. This is an appropriate time for a plugin to register UI handlers, etc.
      lx - LX instance
      ui - UI instance
    • onUIReady

      void onUIReady(LXStudio lx, LXStudio.UI ui)
      This method is invoked after the UI is completely ready. At this point the UI has been built. Project files have not been loaded yet. Custom components may be added to the completely constructed UI at this point.
      lx - LX instance
      ui - UI instance