Class BoundedFunctionalParameter

All Implemented Interfaces:
LXPath, LXNormalizedParameter, LXParameter

public abstract class BoundedFunctionalParameter extends FunctionalParameter implements LXNormalizedParameter
A FunctionalParameter that is bounded by a range. This enables the calculation of normalized values which enables mapping with the modulation engine.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • BoundedFunctionalParameter

      public BoundedFunctionalParameter(String label)
      A bounded functional parameter with a range of 0-1
      label - Label for parameter
    • BoundedFunctionalParameter

      protected BoundedFunctionalParameter(String label, double max)
      A bounded functional parameter with a range of 0 to max
      label - Label for parameter
      max - Maximum value
    • BoundedFunctionalParameter

      protected BoundedFunctionalParameter(String label, double v0, double v1)
      A bounded functional parameter with a range from v0 to v1. Note that it is not necessary for v0 to be less than v1, if it is desired for the knob's value to progress negatively.
      label - Label for parameter
      v0 - Start of range
      v1 - End of range
  • Method Details