Class Event

Direct Known Subclasses:
KeyEvent, MouseEvent

public abstract class Event extends Object
  • Field Details

    • NONE

      public static final Event NONE

      public static final Event SIBLING_REMOVED
    • SHIFT

      public static final int SHIFT
      See Also:

      public static final int CONTROL
      See Also:
    • ALT

      public static final int ALT
      See Also:
    • META

      public static final int META
      See Also:

      public static final int CAPS_LOCK
      See Also:
    • NUM_LOCK

      public static final int NUM_LOCK
      See Also:
    • glfwTime

      public final double glfwTime
      Value of glfwGetTime() in seconds when the event occurred
    • nanoTime

      public final long nanoTime
      Java System.nanoTime() when the event occurred
    • modifiers

      public final int modifiers
      Bitmask of modifier keys held
  • Constructor Details

    • Event

      protected Event(int modifiers)
    • Event

      protected Event(int modifiers, double glfwTime, long nanoTime)
  • Method Details

    • getTime

      public double getTime()
      Gets the time of the event in seconds, as returned by the GLFW timer
      Time in seconds, returned by GLFW
    • getModifiers

      public int getModifiers()
    • hasModifier

      public boolean hasModifier(int modifier)
    • isShiftDown

      public boolean isShiftDown()
    • isControlDown

      public boolean isControlDown()
    • isAltDown

      public boolean isAltDown()
    • isMetaDown

      public boolean isMetaDown()
    • isCommand

      public boolean isCommand()
    • isMultiSelect

      public boolean isMultiSelect()
    • isRangeSelect

      public boolean isRangeSelect()
    • consume

      public Event consume()
      Consume the event. Lower-priority event handlers should not perform the action associated with this event.
    • isConsumed

      public boolean isConsumed()