Class LXBufferOutput

All Implemented Interfaces:
LXPath, LXSerializable, LXParameterListener
Direct Known Subclasses:
LXDatagram, LXSocket

public abstract class LXBufferOutput extends LXOutput
  • Field Details

    • indexBuffer

      protected final IndexBuffer indexBuffer
  • Constructor Details

    • LXBufferOutput

      protected LXBufferOutput(LX lx, IndexBuffer indexBuffer)
  • Method Details

    • getDataBuffer

      protected abstract byte[] getDataBuffer()
      Subclasses should provide a handle to a raw byte buffer
      Raw byte buffer for output data
    • getDataBufferOffset

      protected abstract int getDataBufferOffset()
      Offset into raw byte buffer where color data is written
      Offset into raw byte buffer for color data
    • updateDataBuffer

      protected LXBufferOutput updateDataBuffer(int[] colors, LXOutput.GammaTable glut, double brightness)
      Helper for subclasses to copy a list of points into the data buffer at a specified offset. For many subclasses which wrap RGB buffers, onSend() will be a simple call to this method with the right parameters.
      colors - Array of color values
      glut - Look-up tables for gamma-corrected brightness values by brightness
      brightness - Master brightness