Class UICheckbox

All Implemented Interfaces:
UIContextActions, UIControlTarget, UIFocus, UIKeyFocus, UIMouseFocus, UITabFocus, UITriggerSource, UITriggerTarget, LXLoopTask

public class UICheckbox extends UIParameterComponent implements UIControlTarget, UITriggerSource, UITriggerTarget, UIFocus
  • Field Details


      public static final int DEFAULT_WIDTH
      See Also:

      public static final int DEFAULT_HEIGHT
      See Also:
    • active

      protected boolean active
    • isMomentary

      protected boolean isMomentary
    • enabled

      protected boolean enabled
  • Constructor Details

    • UICheckbox

      public UICheckbox()
    • UICheckbox

      public UICheckbox(float w, BooleanParameter p)
    • UICheckbox

      public UICheckbox(float x, float y)
    • UICheckbox

      public UICheckbox(float x, float y, BooleanParameter p)
    • UICheckbox

      public UICheckbox(float x, float y, float w, float h)
    • UICheckbox

      public UICheckbox(float x, float y, float w, float h, BooleanParameter p)
  • Method Details

    • setEnabled

      public UICheckbox setEnabled(boolean enabled)
    • setTriggerable

      public UICheckbox setTriggerable(boolean triggerable)
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Description copied from class: UIObject
      Objects are encouraged to override this method providing a helpful String displayed to the user explaining the function of this UI component. If no help is available, return null rather than an empty String.
      getDescription in class UIObject
      Helpful contextual string explaining function of this element
    • getParameter

      public LXListenableNormalizedParameter getParameter()
      Specified by:
      getParameter in class UIParameterComponent
    • removeParameter

      public UICheckbox removeParameter()
    • setParameter

      public UICheckbox setParameter(BooleanParameter parameter)
    • setMomentary

      public UICheckbox setMomentary(boolean momentary)
    • onDraw

      protected void onDraw(UI ui, VGraphics vg)
      Description copied from class: UI2dComponent
      Subclasses should override this method to perform their drawing functions.
      onDraw in class UI2dComponent
      ui - UI context
      vg - Graphics context
    • onMousePressed

      protected void onMousePressed(MouseEvent mouseEvent, float mx, float my)
      Description copied from class: UIEventHandler
      Subclasses override to receive mouse events
      onMousePressed in class UIParameterComponent
      mouseEvent - Mouse event
      mx - x-coordinate
      my - y-coordinate
    • onMouseReleased

      protected void onMouseReleased(MouseEvent mouseEvent, float mx, float my)
      Description copied from class: UIEventHandler
      Subclasses override to receive mouse events
      onMouseReleased in class UIParameterComponent
      mouseEvent - Mouse event
      mx - x-coordinate
      my - y-coordinate
    • onKeyPressed

      protected void onKeyPressed(KeyEvent keyEvent, char keyChar, int keyCode)
      Description copied from class: UIEventHandler
      Subclasses override to receive key events
      onKeyPressed in class UIEventHandler
      keyEvent - Key event
      keyChar - Key character
      keyCode - Key code value
    • onKeyReleased

      protected void onKeyReleased(KeyEvent keyEvent, char keyChar, int keyCode)
      Description copied from class: UIEventHandler
      Subclasses override to receive key events
      onKeyReleased in class UIEventHandler
      keyEvent - Key event
      keyChar - Key character
      keyCode - Key code value
    • isActive

      public boolean isActive()
    • setActive

      public UICheckbox setActive(boolean active)
    • setActive

      protected UICheckbox setActive(boolean active, boolean pushToParameter)
    • toggle

      public UICheckbox toggle()
    • onToggle

      protected void onToggle(boolean active)
      Subclasses may override this to handle changes to the button's state
      active - Whether button is active
    • getControlTarget

      public LXNormalizedParameter getControlTarget()
      Specified by:
      getControlTarget in interface UIControlTarget
    • getTriggerSource

      public BooleanParameter getTriggerSource()
      Specified by:
      getTriggerSource in interface UITriggerSource
    • getTriggerTarget

      public BooleanParameter getTriggerTarget()
      Specified by:
      getTriggerTarget in interface UITriggerTarget
    • dispose

      public void dispose()
      dispose in class UIObject