Class DDPOutputGroup

All Implemented Interfaces:
LXPath, LXSerializable, LXOutput.InetOutput, LXParameterListener

public class DDPOutputGroup extends LXOutputGroup implements LXOutput.InetOutput
DDPOutput is a helper class that constructs and sends a set of DDPDatagram packets based upon a specified chunk size, which will typically be a function of either the LED layout or UDP network settings. If greater customization over framing and chunking is required, it may be preferable to construct DDPDatagram packets manually.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • DDPOutputGroup

      public DDPOutputGroup(LX lx, LXModel model)
    • DDPOutputGroup

      public DDPOutputGroup(LX lx, LXModel model, int chunkSize)
    • DDPOutputGroup

      public DDPOutputGroup(LX lx, int[] indexBuffer)
    • DDPOutputGroup

      public DDPOutputGroup(LX lx, int[] indexBuffer, int chunkSize)
      Constructs a DDPOutput with a given total set of points and a specified chunkSize. By default, the DDP Push flag is only set on the final packet.
      lx - LX instance
      indexBuffer - All of the points to send
      chunkSize - Number of points to chunk per packet
  • Method Details