Class DmxModulator

All Implemented Interfaces:
LXComponent.Renamable, LXLoopTask, LXPath, LXSerializable, LXTriggerSource, LXOscComponent, LXNormalizedParameter, LXParameter, LXParameterListener

@Global("DMX Channel") @Device("DMX Channel") @LXCategory("DMX") public class DmxModulator extends AbstractDmxModulator implements LXOscComponent, LXNormalizedParameter, LXTriggerSource
A modulator converting DMX input to normalized output, with three modes: 8-bit: single DMX channel scaled to normalized output 16-bit: two DMX channels for high resolution, scaled to normalized output Range: A range from [min] to [max] within a DMX channel. Outputs a normalized value and a boolean indicator of whether the DMX value is within the range.