Package heronarts.glx

Class GLX

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class GLX extends LX
  • Field Details

    • vg

      public final VGraphics vg
    • zZeroToOne

      public final boolean zZeroToOne
    • ui

      public final UI ui
    • uiFrame

      public final LXEngine.Frame uiFrame
    • program

      public final GLX.Programs program
      Publicly accessible, globally reusable shader programs.
    • flags

      public final GLX.Flags flags
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • run

      public void run()
    • buildUI

      protected UI buildUI() throws IOException
      Subclasses may override to create a custom structured UI
      The instantiated UI object
      IOException - if required UI assets could not be loaded
    • getRenderer

      public int getRenderer()
    • isOpenGL

      public boolean isOpenGL()
    • getUIWidth

      public float getUIWidth()
    • getUIHeight

      public float getUIHeight()
    • getFrameBufferWidth

      public int getFrameBufferWidth()
    • getFrameBufferHeight

      public int getFrameBufferHeight()
    • getUIZoom

      public float getUIZoom()
    • getUIContentScaleX

      public float getUIContentScaleX()
    • getUIContentScaleY

      public float getUIContentScaleY()
    • getSystemContentScaleX

      public float getSystemContentScaleX()
    • getSystemContentScaleY

      public float getSystemContentScaleY()
    • setWindowSize

      protected void setWindowSize(int windowWidth, int windowHeight)
    • dispose

      public void dispose()
      Description copied from class: LX
      Shut down resources of the LX instance.
      dispose in class LX
    • useHandCursor

      public void useHandCursor(boolean useHandCursor)
    • importContentJar

      protected void importContentJar(File file, File destination)
    • reloadContent

      public void reloadContent()
    • showSaveProjectDialog

      public void showSaveProjectDialog()
    • showOpenProjectDialog

      public void showOpenProjectDialog()
    • showSaveScheduleDialog

      public void showSaveScheduleDialog()
    • showAddScheduleEntryDialog

      public void showAddScheduleEntryDialog()
    • showOpenScheduleDialog

      public void showOpenScheduleDialog()
    • showSaveFileDialog

      public void showSaveFileDialog(String dialogTitle, String fileType, String[] extensions, String defaultPath, GLX.FileDialogCallback success)
      Show a save file dialog
      dialogTitle - Dialog title
      fileType - File type description
      extensions - Valid file extensions
      defaultPath - Default file path
      success - Callback on successful invocation
    • showOpenFileDialog

      public void showOpenFileDialog(String dialogTitle, String fileType, String[] extensions, String defaultPath, GLX.FileDialogCallback success)
      Show an open file dialog
      dialogTitle - Dialog title
      fileType - File type description
      extensions - Valid file extensions
      defaultPath - Default file path
      success - Callback on successful invocation
    • showConfirmUnsavedProjectDialog

      protected void showConfirmUnsavedProjectDialog(String message, Runnable confirm)
      showConfirmUnsavedProjectDialog in class LX
    • showConfirmUnsavedModelDialog

      protected void showConfirmUnsavedModelDialog(File file, Runnable confirm)
      showConfirmUnsavedModelDialog in class LX
    • showConfirmDialog

      public void showConfirmDialog(String message, Runnable confirm)
    • setSystemClipboardString

      public void setSystemClipboardString(String str)
      setSystemClipboardString in class LX
    • log

      public static void log(String message)
    • error

      public static void error(Exception x, String message)
    • error

      public static void error(String message)