Package heronarts.lx

Interface LXPresetComponent

All Known Implementing Classes:
AlternatingPattern, BlurEffect, ChasePattern, ChevronPattern, ColorizeEffect, ColorMaskEffect, DmxPattern, DynamicsEffect, GateEffect, GeometryTestPattern, GradientPattern, GraphicEqualizerPattern, HueSaturationEffect, ImageMaskEffect, ImagePattern, InvertEffect, LifePattern, LifePattern, LXAbstractChannel, LXBus, LXChannel, LXDeviceComponent, LXEffect, LXEffect.Placeholder, LXGroup, LXMasterBus, LXModelEffect, LXModelPattern, LXPattern, LXPattern.Placeholder, NoisePattern, OrboxPattern, PlanesPattern, ScriptEffect, ScriptPattern, SlideshowPattern, SolidPattern, SoundObjectEffect, SoundObjectPattern, SparkleEffect, SparklePattern, StrobeEffect, TestPattern

public interface LXPresetComponent
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default Class<?>
    default void
    Presets by default contain the results of a normal save() call, but we may not always want all of the information contained.
  • Method Details

    • postProcessPreset

      default void postProcessPreset(LX lx, JsonObject obj)
      Presets by default contain the results of a normal save() call, but we may not always want all of the information contained. This method post-processes the JSON object before writing to disk.
    • getPresetClass

      default Class<?> getPresetClass()