Class UIParameterComponent

All Implemented Interfaces:
UIContextActions, LXLoopTask
Direct Known Subclasses:
UIButton, UICheckbox, UIDropMenu, UIInputBox, UIToggleSet

public abstract class UIParameterComponent extends UI2dComponent implements UIContextActions
  • Field Details


      public static final float DEFAULT_HEIGHT
      See Also:
    • useCommandEngine

      protected boolean useCommandEngine
  • Constructor Details

    • UIParameterComponent

      protected UIParameterComponent(float x, float y, float w, float h)
  • Method Details

    • getParameter

      public abstract LXParameter getParameter()
    • setEnableContextActions

      public UIParameterComponent setEnableContextActions(boolean enableContextActions)
    • setUseCommandEngine

      public UIParameterComponent setUseCommandEngine(boolean useCommandEngine)
    • getOscAddress

      public String getOscAddress()
    • getContextActions

      public List<UIContextActions.Action> getContextActions()
      Description copied from interface: UIContextActions
      Returns a list of context actions that should be shown for this item
      Specified by:
      getContextActions in interface UIContextActions
      List of context actions
    • onMousePressed

      protected void onMousePressed(MouseEvent mouseEvent, float mx, float my)
      Description copied from class: UIEventHandler
      Subclasses override to receive mouse events
      onMousePressed in class UIEventHandler
      mouseEvent - Mouse event
      mx - x-coordinate
      my - y-coordinate
    • onMouseReleased

      protected void onMouseReleased(MouseEvent mouseEvent, float mx, float my)
      Description copied from class: UIEventHandler
      Subclasses override to receive mouse events
      onMouseReleased in class UIEventHandler
      mouseEvent - Mouse event
      mx - x-coordinate
      my - y-coordinate
    • setModulationRangeCommand

      protected void setModulationRangeCommand(CompoundParameter range, double newValue)
    • setNormalizedCommand

      protected void setNormalizedCommand(double newValue)