Interface LXFixtureContainer

All Known Implementing Classes:
ArcFixture, GridFixture, JsonFixture, LXBasicFixture, LXFixture, LXProtocolFixture, LXStructure, PointFixture, PointListFixture, SpiralFixture, StripFixture

public interface LXFixtureContainer
Interface for classes which may contain LXFixtures. They are to be notified when things change in their child fixtures.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The generation of this fixture has changed, its metrics or hierarchy are now different.
    The geometry of this fixture has changed, its metrics and hierarchy are consistent but the point locations may have changed.
    The output settings of this fixture has changed, the top level structure should re-consolidate all the outputs.
    The tags of this fixture has changed, the container will need to take this into account.
  • Method Details

    • fixtureGenerationChanged

      void fixtureGenerationChanged(LXFixture fixture)
      The generation of this fixture has changed, its metrics or hierarchy are now different. The container will need to take this into account.
      fixture - Fixture that has changed
    • fixtureGeometryChanged

      void fixtureGeometryChanged(LXFixture fixture)
      The geometry of this fixture has changed, its metrics and hierarchy are consistent but the point locations may have changed.
      fixture - Fixture that has changed
    • fixtureOutputChanged

      void fixtureOutputChanged(LXFixture fixture)
      The output settings of this fixture has changed, the top level structure should re-consolidate all the outputs.
      fixture - Fixture that has changed
    • fixtureTagsChanged

      void fixtureTagsChanged(LXFixture fixture)
      The tags of this fixture has changed, the container will need to take this into account.
      fixture - Fixture that has changed