Class UIDoubleBox

All Implemented Interfaces:
UIContextActions, UIControlTarget, UIFocus, UIKeyFocus, UIModulationSource, UIModulationTarget, UIMouseFocus, UITabFocus, LXLoopTask

public class UIDoubleBox extends UINumberBox implements UIControlTarget, UIModulationSource, UIModulationTarget
  • Constructor Details

    • UIDoubleBox

      public UIDoubleBox()
    • UIDoubleBox

      public UIDoubleBox(float x, float y, float w, float h)
    • UIDoubleBox

      public UIDoubleBox(float w, BoundedParameter parameter)
    • UIDoubleBox

      public UIDoubleBox(float w, float h, BoundedParameter parameter)
    • UIDoubleBox

      public UIDoubleBox(float x, float y, float w, BoundedParameter parameter)
    • UIDoubleBox

      public UIDoubleBox(float x, float y, float w, float h, BoundedParameter parameter)
  • Method Details

    • setNormalizedMouseEditing

      public UIDoubleBox setNormalizedMouseEditing(boolean normalizedMouseEditing)
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Description copied from class: UIObject
      Objects are encouraged to override this method providing a helpful String displayed to the user explaining the function of this UI component. If no help is available, return null rather than an empty String.
      getDescription in class UIObject
      Helpful contextual string explaining function of this element
    • getParameter

      public BoundedParameter getParameter()
      Specified by:
      getParameter in class UIParameterComponent
    • setParameter

      public UIDoubleBox setParameter(BoundedParameter parameter)
    • setRange

      public UIDoubleBox setRange(double minValue, double maxValue)
    • getBaseNormalized

      protected double getBaseNormalized()
    • setNormalized

      public UIDoubleBox setNormalized(double normalized)
    • getFillWidthNormalized

      protected double getFillWidthNormalized()
      getFillWidthNormalized in class UIInputBox
    • getValue

      public double getValue()
    • setValue

      protected UIDoubleBox setValue(LXParameter p)
    • setValue

      public UIDoubleBox setValue(double value)
    • setValue

      protected UIDoubleBox setValue(double value, boolean pushToParameter)
    • getValueString

      protected String getValueString()
      Specified by:
      getValueString in class UIInputBox
    • onValueChange

      protected void onValueChange(double value)
      Invoked when value changes, subclasses may override to handle.
      value - New value that is being set
    • saveEditBuffer

      protected void saveEditBuffer(String editBuffer)
      Specified by:
      saveEditBuffer in class UIInputBox
    • isValidInputCharacter

      public static boolean isValidInputCharacter(char keyChar)
    • isValidCharacter

      protected boolean isValidCharacter(char keyChar)
      Specified by:
      isValidCharacter in class UIInputBox
    • decrementValue

      protected void decrementValue(KeyEvent keyEvent)
      Description copied from class: UIInputBox
      Subclasses may optionally override to decrement value in response to arrows. Decrement is invoked for the left or down arrow keys.
      decrementValue in class UIInputBox
      keyEvent - Key event
    • incrementValue

      protected void incrementValue(KeyEvent keyEvent)
      Description copied from class: UIInputBox
      Subclasses may optionally override to decrement value in response to arrows. Increment is invoked for the right or up keys.
      incrementValue in class UIInputBox
      keyEvent - Key event
    • incrementMouseValue

      protected void incrementMouseValue(MouseEvent mouseEvent, int offset)
      Description copied from class: UIInputBox
      Subclasses may optionally implement to change value based upon mouse click+drag in the box.
      incrementMouseValue in class UIInputBox
      mouseEvent - Mouse event
      offset - Units of mouse movement, positive or negative
    • getControlTarget

      public LXNormalizedParameter getControlTarget()
      Specified by:
      getControlTarget in interface UIControlTarget
    • getModulationSource

      public LXNormalizedParameter getModulationSource()
      Specified by:
      getModulationSource in interface UIModulationSource
    • getModulationTarget

      public LXCompoundModulation.Target getModulationTarget()
      Specified by:
      getModulationTarget in interface UIModulationTarget
    • onMouseDragged

      protected void onMouseDragged(MouseEvent mouseEvent, float mx, float my, float dx, float dy)
      Description copied from class: UIEventHandler
      Subclasses override to receive mouse events
      onMouseDragged in class UIInputBox
      mouseEvent - Mouse event
      mx - x-coordinate
      my - y-coordinate
      dx - movement in x
      dy - movement in y
    • dispose

      public void dispose()
      dispose in class UINumberBox