Class FocusedDevice


public class FocusedDevice extends Object
Utility class for a control surface to subscribe to notifications about which device is focused in the UI. This needs to be registered and unregistered as appropriate to enable/disable notifications. And the listener interface is invoked whenever there is a device focus change.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • isAux

      public boolean isAux()
    • toggleAux

      public FocusedDevice toggleAux()
    • setAux

      public FocusedDevice setAux(boolean isAux)
    • setAuxSticky

      public FocusedDevice setAuxSticky(boolean isAuxSticky)
    • register

      public void register()
      Register the focused device listener, which will result in a listener callback to the presently focused device.
    • unregister

      public void unregister()
      Unregister the focus listener. Will clear the focused device and alert the listener to null focus before clearing all internal listeners.
    • getFocusedChannel

      public LXBus getFocusedChannel()
      Returns the currently focused bus
      Current bus focus
    • isAuxActive

      public boolean isAuxActive()
    • getFocusedChannelTarget

      public DiscreteParameter getFocusedChannelTarget()
    • previousChannel

      public void previousChannel()
    • nextChannel

      public void nextChannel()
    • previousDevice

      public void previousDevice()
      Shift focus to the previous device on the channel, if there is one
    • nextDevice

      public void nextDevice()
      Shift focus to the next device on the channel, if there is one
    • getDevice

      public LXDeviceComponent getDevice()
      Returns the device presently focused, if any
      Focused device, or null
    • updateRemoteControlFocus

      public void updateRemoteControlFocus()
    • dispose

      public void dispose()