Class UIKnob

All Implemented Interfaces:
UIContextActions, UIControlTarget, UICopy, UIFocus, UIKeyFocus, UIModulationSource, UIModulationTarget, UIMouseFocus, UIPaste, UITabFocus, LXLoopTask, LXParameterListener

public class UIKnob extends UICompoundParameterControl implements UIFocus
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • UIKnob

      public UIKnob(LXNormalizedParameter parameter)
    • UIKnob

      public UIKnob(float x, float y, LXNormalizedParameter parameter)
    • UIKnob

      public UIKnob()
    • UIKnob

      public UIKnob(float x, float y)
    • UIKnob

      public UIKnob(float x, float y, float w, float h)
  • Method Details

    • onDraw

      protected void onDraw(UI ui, VGraphics vg)
      Description copied from class: UI2dComponent
      Subclasses should override this method to perform their drawing functions.
      onDraw in class UIParameterControl
      ui - UI context
      vg - Graphics context
    • onMousePressed

      protected void onMousePressed(MouseEvent mouseEvent, float mx, float my)
      Description copied from class: UIEventHandler
      Subclasses override to receive mouse events
      onMousePressed in class UIParameterControl
      mouseEvent - Mouse event
      mx - x-coordinate
      my - y-coordinate
    • onMouseDragged

      protected void onMouseDragged(MouseEvent mouseEvent, float mx, float my, float dx, float dy)
      Description copied from class: UIEventHandler
      Subclasses override to receive mouse events
      onMouseDragged in class UIInputBox
      mouseEvent - Mouse event
      mx - x-coordinate
      my - y-coordinate
      dx - movement in x
      dy - movement in y