DMX512-A is a common standard for lighting control. Originally designed for dedicated physical cabling, it can now be transmitted over Ethernet using the Art-Net protocol.
Chromatik supports receiving DMX data via Art-Net from 3rd-party devices, which may be used as a Modulation source or treated as Pixel Color Data.

Art-Net Input can be enabled in the DMX section of the right-pane OSC · DMX · MIDI tab. You may modify the UDP Port if you are not using standard port 6454
. When enabled, Chromatik will listen for Art-Net traffic from all open network interfaces.
Note that if another application is also listening for Art-Net on the same machine, messages will typically only be received by the application that attempted to open the port first.

Use the DMX modulator to generate a modulation source from DMX input.
- Universe: DMX universe number (
-indexed) - Channel: DMX channel offset (
) - Mode: DMX Mode
- 8-bit: A single DMX channel value
- 16-bit: Two adjacent DMX channel values form a 16-bit value (MSB first)
- Range: A range of
on a single DMX channel is used
DMX Channels in Chromatik are a 0
-indexed offset, with valid range 0-511
. Many systems use 1-512
when referring to DMX Channels. Therefore, the number entered in Chromatik may need to be 1 less than the device configuration if that equipment works with the range 1-512

Use the DMX pattern to treat received data as animated RGB pixels.
- Universe: DMX universe number (
-indexed) - Channel: DMX channel offset (
) - Byte Order: Specifies color byte order of the received data
The pattern will fill the output color buffer with as many consecutive pixels as it can from the latest received DMX data, wrapping across universe boundaries if needed.
Note that this pattern assumes that the received data is in the same pixel-order as the Model. A future version may allow for re-mapping.